ActionAid Myanmar Covid-19 Responses

ActionAid Myanmar, through its SECURE project partners, is supporting migrant workers in Yangon peri-urban areas that have been affected by the impact of COVID-19
Before the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Myanmar, the economic consequences were already here. Disruption to supply chains from China led to mass factory closures and saw thousands of factory workers lose their jobs, without means to compensation. This was further exacerbated, seeing thousand more workers lose their jobs when the epicenter of COVID-19 transitioned to Europe, resulting in countries across Europe cancelling orders with Myanmar factories.
With funding from LIFT, ActionAid Myanmar began rapid response through our local SECURE Project* partners to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 to factory migrant workers in Yangon’s Industrial Zones: Haling Thayar, Dagon Seikkan, South Dagon and Mingaladone.
Legal Clinic Myanmar responded by empowering migrants and those at risk to exercise their legal rights. Through the provision of their central hotline phone support, LCM were able educate migrant workers on their labour rights, in accordance with Myanmar Labour Law and provide support on how to exercise these rights. Particularly with rights pertaining to compensation. CCTU complemented LCM’s work by mediating labour disputes and supporting workers to claim their compensation from their employers. CCTU further supported those who had abruptly and unfairly lost their jobs through the provision of food assistance – 5 days’ worth of rice.
Further support was provided by FLC who provided hand gel, gloves and masks to migrant workers to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. While WE Generation, with support from the Department of Health, trained volunteers on COVID-19 to support in community protection awareness raising and correct usage of PPE.
Lastly, ActionAid Myanmar provided Thermometer’s to the Department of Social Welfare in Halingtharyar Township and to 10 rural health centers in Pyapon Township which not received yet support for COVID response to help monitor the health of returnee migrants.
ActionAid Myanmar and our partners will continue our rapid response with COVID-19 Awareness Raising and Cash Transfers to those who have lost their jobs.